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Churros jokes ๐Ÿฅจ in 2024

Why don’t churros like scary movies? They’re afraid of getting a sugar rush!

Why did the churro join a choir? It had a sugar-coated voice!

What’s a churro’s favorite type of book? Anything with a sweet ending!

What do you call a churro that likes to swim? A dough-float!

Why was the churro a successful businessman? It knew the recipe for success!

What’s a churro’s favorite type of exercise? The crunches, for that crispy texture!

What do you call a churro that loves spicy food? A hot rod!

Why did the churro start a band? It loved the sound of the dough!

Why did the churro go to the gym? It didn’t want to be a doughnut!

What’s a churro’s favorite type of candy? Anything with a sweet crunch!

Why did the churro join the soccer team? It was tired of being a benchwarmer!

Why did the churro go to the nightclub? It loved the sugar rush!

What do you call a churro that can sing? A dough-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do!

What’s a churro’s favorite type of car? Anything that can dough-nut!

Why did the churro go to space? It wanted to be a star churro!

What’s a churro’s favorite type of music? Anything with a sweet beat!

What’s a churro’s favorite type of pet? A sugar glider!

Why did the churro go to the library? It wanted to feed its hunger for knowledge!

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