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Customer Service jokes ๐Ÿคณ๐Ÿป in 2024

What did the customer service rep say to the gardener? “I understand, sometimes my callers are also ‘plants’!”

How does a customer service agent fix a lightbulb? They call for backup!

Why was the customer service agent a great musician? He knew all about timing and tone!

Why do customer service agents make great poets? Because they know all about ‘verse’!

Why did the customer service rep go to the doctor? He had a bad case of ‘phone’ elbow!

Why did the customer service rep bring a ladder to work? They wanted to take their service to the next level!

Why did the customer service rep carry an umbrella? He was expecting some ‘calls’!

How did the customer service rep win the race? By taking it one call at a time!

What’s a customer service agent’s favorite dessert? ‘Call’-amel sundae!

Why do customer service agents make good chefs? They’re used to ‘serving’ people!

What’s a customer service agent’s favorite game? Telephone: because they’re always passing the message!

What’s a customer service agent’s favorite hobby? ‘Dial’ painting!

What did the customer service rep say to the coffee machine? “I wish I had as many ‘perks’ as you do!”

Why was the customer service rep great at yoga? He knew how to ‘hold’ a pose!

What’s a customer service agent’s favorite food? ‘Call’-iflower!

Why don’t customer service agents play cards? Too many calls, not enough hands!

Why do customer service agents love the fall? The colors are as varied as their calls!

What’s a customer service agent’s favorite day of the week? Monday, because every call is a fresh start!

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