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Pie jokes 🥧 in 2024

What do you call a street full of pies?
– A desserted street.

How would the dessert propose to his girlfriend?
– By saying “Pie love you berry much.”

How was the pie with fish innards?
– Cod offal!

What is a ghost’s favorite dessert?
– Boo-berry pie with I-scream.

Have you ever had a synonym pie?
– No, but I think I’ve had something like it.

How did the apple go to the pie shop?
– On a pie-cycle.

What would you call the dessert menu full of pies?
– Treasure Hunters, since it has all the Pie-Rates.

When does the local pi shop close?
– Rarely, it is open 22/7.

What did the baker sing on the way to the bakery?
– “Pie ho! Pie ho! It’s off to work, I go!”

A pie walks into a bar. The barman says “sorry, we don’t serve food”.

Why did the apple pie become red?
– It interrupted the salad dressing.

What is the most critical part of a pie?
– The fork you put in to eat it with.

What would you call a film DVD with 3.14 stars?
– A pi-rated movie.

How can you tell if someone spiked your chocolate pie with alcohol?
– The proof is in the pudding.

What will happen if you mix an apple pie with a Christmas tree?
– You’ll get a pine-apple pie.

What do you feel after having a lot of tasty pie?
– Hap-pie!

How do you make a gold pie?
– You put 14 carrots on it.

Why did the apple pie cry?
– Its peelings were hurt.

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