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Orange you glad jokes 🍊 in 2024

Why did the orange get dressed to go to the gala party?
– Because it found it a-peel-ing.

Why are oranges the smartest fruit?
– Because they can concentrate.

What did the doctor tell the orange during the physiotherapy?
– He said, “Concentrate!”

All you seed is love.

Why was the orange feeling sad?
– It lost its zest for life.

If apples come from an apple tree, and oranges come from an orange tree, where do chickens come from?
– A pouI-tree.

What did the germaphobe orange hate the most?
– Being squeezed at.

Why was the little boy staring at the orange juice carton?
– Because it said “concentrate”!

Why did the orange go out with the prune?
– Lately, it’s been so hard to find a date.

What happened when the orange, apple, and banana went on a picnic?
– They had a fruit-ful day.

What are oranges served in prison?
– Three square peels a day.

What did the orange do for its friend’s birthday party?
– It made all the orange-ments!

Don’t call us — peel call you.

A lemon says to an orange, “What are you up to?”
– The orange replies, “Not much. Just hanging ‘round.”

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Woo who?
Glad you’re excited, too!

How did the orange come back after it was chucked in the garbage?
– Because it was a boom-orange.

What happened to the orange after he got depressed?
– He fell into a pith of despair.

Mind your own squeezewax!

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