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Gluten Free Jokes in 2024

What do gluten-free people use to navigate? The star of the yeast!

What did the gluten-free person say to the muffin? “You’re just not my cup of tea!”

Why did the gluten-free person break up with the sandwich? They couldn’t deal with the bread baggage!

Why did the gluten-free person turn down the job at the bakery? It just didn’t pan out!

Why did the gluten-free person start a band? They wanted to roll without the rolls!

What do you call a gluten-free philosopher? A ‘rye’ thinker!

Why did the gluten-free person refuse to go to the pastry shop? Too much bread chaos!

What’s the gluten-free person’s favorite reality show? Survivor: Bread Island!

How does a gluten-free person win an argument? With flour-less logic!

What did the gluten-free person say to the pasta? “You’re just not my type of dish!”

Why did the gluten-free person refuse to go camping? Too much toast by the campfire!

What did the gluten-free person say to the cake? “Hope you’re not hiding any flour!”

What’s a gluten-free person’s favorite song? “Don’t Stop Wheat-lievin’!”

Why did the gluten-free person start a band? They wanted to make some dough without the dough!

Why did the gluten-free person refuse to go to the grain festival? It was a kernel of disaster!

Why did the gluten-free person go to a therapist? They needed to ‘knead’ out their issues!

Why did the gluten-free person refuse to go to the pancake house? It was a stack of trouble!

Why did the gluten-free person become a nutritionist? They wanted to spread the “gluten-free” message!

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