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Zombie jokes 🧟 in 2025

What do zombies serve at parties?
– Finger food.

Did you hear about the zombie after-school club?
– It’s dead in that place.

How do zombies greet their dinner guests?
– They say, “pleased to eat you!”

What do you call a stripey zombie?
– A zom-bee!

How do zombies go on holiday?
– On scare-planes.

Why do comedians hate telling jokes at zombie night?
– All they hear is groans.

What are a zombie’s favorite colors?
– Blood red and grey matter pink!

Who do zombies avoid eating, and why?
– Clowns, because they taste funny!

What kind of bread do zombies prefer?
– Whole brain.

What do you call a zombie driving a Ferrari?
– A zoombie.

How did the zombie and the vampire defeat Superman?
– They lured him into the crypt-onite.

Why did the zombie retire from eating brains?
– Because his teeth and jaw fell out!

Why was the zombie sad?
– Because he just wanted to be with zombodie he loved!

Why did the zombie take a day off work?
– He was feeling really rotten.

What did the zombie say when he failed the exam?
– I didn’t have enough brains.

“This graveyard’s gotten way too popular,” said the zombie to the vampire.
– “People are dying to get in.”

How did the zombie feel about meeting his long-distance girlfriend for the first time?
– He was dying to meet her!

What are zombies afraid of?
– Crypt-onite!

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