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Yoda Jokes in 2025

What did Yoda say when he saw himself on the 4K TV?

I really hope this hasn’t already been done.

Why was Yoda afraid of 7?
-Because 6, 7 8

Why did Yoda participate in X-Factors?
-Because he was good at Yodaling.

Baby Yoda’s friend will show you to his cheese making hut…
-This is the whey.

What does Yoda do for fun?
– Anything that makes the Dagobah.

What did Yoda say when Chewbacca made a stupid error?
-A wookie mistake it was
I will show myself out…

Where is the best place to shop for lightsabers? The Darth Maul
– Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns? So it doesn’t Hang So-low.

Why doesn’t the baby Yoda talk in the Mandelorian?
– He’s got a frog in his throat.

What kind of car does Master Yoda drive?
-A Volkswagen Jedi.

Why is Yoda such a good gardner?
-Because he has two green thumbs.
(happy May the 4th)

Why were Qui Gon Jinn and Yoda frustrated at their young Jedi’s progression?
-Because Obi Wan more time to develop!

How does yoda pick up girls?
-With force

What is Yodas favourite dinosaur?
-A Do-ceratops…

Because there is no try.

Why do Doctors make the best Jedi? Jedi must have patience.
– How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk? With a woo-key.

Baby Yoda’s friend will show you to his cheese making hut…
-This is the whey

An SEO expert walks into a bar
– bars, pub, tavern, public house, Irish pub, drinks, beer, alcohol

Why was Yoda bad at geometry?
Because to him there are no triangles, only do-or-do-not-angles

Why was Yoda hired at the greenhouse?
-Because he had green fingers!

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