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Yoda Jokes in 2024

What was baby Yoda’s first word
-His second word

Why was Yoda tired of constant Star Wars jokes?
– Because force-d on him, they were all the time.

Yoda would be a terrible navigation officer
-If you were piloting a ship with him and asked him “Are we going the right way to Alderaan?”

He’d reply saying “Off course, we are”.

What did yoda tell the snowman when he found out he had tunnelvision? (OC… you can probably tell)
-All ICY is you!

What’s a Jedi’s favourite toy?
– A yo-Yoda.

“Yoda, are you sure we’re headed in the right direction?”

What kind of cars do Jedi’s drive?
– A Toy-Yoda

What did Yoda say when he saw a remastered version of himself?

Why is Yoda such a good gardener?
-Green thumbs, he has.

What did Kuiil say when The Mandilorian told him that The Child (Baby Yoda) wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese?
-“I have token.”

How can you tell if a sheep has met Yoda?
-Dago Bah

How do you get down from a bantha?
– You don’t. You get down from a goose.

A man is walking with yoda and asked him if they are in the correct route.
-Yoda then replied “Off course, we are”

Yoda use to have the younglings put on white face paint and pretend to walk against the wind, be trapped in invisible boxes, you know…
-Jedi mime tricks.

How did Yoda convince Luke of his hidden power?
-He force-d him into using it.

What does Yoda say when he is drunk?
– Dear me it appears I have imbibed alcohol in sufficient quantitiy to impair my speech

Which Star Wars character travels around the world? Globi-wan Kenobi.
– What kind of car does a Jedi drive? A Toy-Yoda.

What is Yoda’s favourite soft drink?
-Yoda Soda.

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