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Yoda Jokes in 2024

This whole time yoda has never revealed his last name. but I just found out

Why didn’t the shopper go down the canned meat aisle in the grocery store?
-Her SPAM filters were on.

Yoda has a brother called Will…
– But he keeps introducing himself as William, and nobody knows why.

Why did Yoda refuse to believe that Obi Wan had a twin?
– Because there can only be Wan Kenobi.

“Hey Yoda, Why did 5 go to 6’s funeral?”
-“Because 6, 7 8.”

What is the internal temperature of a Tauntaun? Lukewarm.
-Luke: What’s for dinner tonight, Dad?
Anakin: Wookiee steak.
Luke: Is it any good?
Anakin: It’s a little chewy.

How did baby Yoda grow to be so old?
-Because he was vaccinated

Did you see they went back and found yoda’s last name?

What did Yoda say when he saw Luke struggling to eat noodles?
-Use the forks Luke!

What did the Yoda say to his apprentice who kept failing at using the Force?
-Don’t worry, Wan Kenobi perfect!

What is Yoda’s last name?
-Lay Hee Hoo

With all the Mandalorian hype, I had asked my rich uncle for a first edition toy Yoda for Christmas
-But all he gave me was some junky old car. person who gets it.

How did baby Yoda grow to be so old?
-Because he was vaccinated

Because Yoda was in charge.
-Why was the joke in the punchline?

What was baby Yoda’s first word
-His second word

Why was Yoda tired of constant Star Wars jokes?
– Because force-d on him, they were all the time.

Yoda would be a terrible navigation officer
-If you were piloting a ship with him and asked him “Are we going the right way to Alderaan?”

He’d reply saying “Off course, we are”.

What did yoda tell the snowman when he found out he had tunnelvision? (OC… you can probably tell)
-All ICY is you!

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