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World of Warcraft jokes 👹👾 in 2025

How do you know someone’s been playing since Vanilla?
– Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

Yo mama so fat, when a rogue shadowstepped her, he got a loading screen.

Worgain… the curse that helps to prevent and reverse hair loss.

An old one: “Yo momma is so fat,
– when she first logged in she got the Explorer achievement.”

What did the Guardian Druid teacher say to his students?
– “Bear with me.”

How do you stop a Warrior from charging?
– You take away his credit card.

What is the best thing to take to Heart of Fear?
– Raid.

Who did this
– To this baby and thought it was fashion

Why are the Illidari so muscular?
– Lord Illidan knows the whey.

Why are mages and locks required for EVERY party?
– Because mages bring the drinks and locks get you stoned

Hat trick.

That’s the point.

What’s the abbreviation for Death Knight?
– Decay.

Why wasn’t deathwing invited to any parties?
– He was dragon everyone down.

these are actually really good so far haha

Why didn’t the warrior cross the road?
– No path available

How many Worgen druids does it take to chase a cat up a tree?
– Three. One to be the cat, one to be the tree and one to do the chasing

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