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World of Warcraft jokes 👹👾 in 2025

That one took me a medium minute.

Why do rogues wear leather?
– Because it’s made of “hide”.

Why are warriors the worst salesman?
– They charge too much!

There’s fat and then there’s applying sun tan lotion with a paint roller fat.

Why didn’t the undead cross the road?
– He didn’t have the guts

How many dwarves does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
– Two. One to hold the light bulb in place and the other to drink until the room starts spinning.

Let’s hear em’. Anybody know some good WoW jokes for a casual chuckle?
– I saw one in somebody’s sig a few min ago: ‘”A worgen walks into a bar. The bartender says,’ why the long face?'” kinda lame, but it got a snicker outta me

who needs dank wow jokes when your whole life is a joke amiright

What do you call someone with a paralegal degree?
– A raid designer

How many Worgen druids does it take to chase a cat up a tree?
– Three. One to be the cat, one to be the tree and one to do the chasing.

How many Blizzard developers does it take to get an expansion right?
– Nobody knows because it hasn’t been done yet.

What does rogues and noobs have in common?
– They both pick locks!

Someone picked Mekkatorque’s pocket yesterday and stole his wallet.
– How could someone stoop so low?

Have you heard the Orgrimmar philharmonic orc-hestra?
– Have you ever seen the taurential rain in Mulgore?

How many GM’s does it take to change a lightbulb?
– None. It’s working as intended ;D

Barber: What you want?
– Him: I have a dream fam
– Barber: Say no more

Joke: The community.

How does Naxxramas fly?
– With its four wings.

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