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World of Warcraft jokes 👹👾 in 2025

You know you have been playing WoW for too long when the microwave dings and you yell “GRATS!”

Why can’t gnomes be paladins?
– Poor little guys can’t reach the light.

You know you’re addicted to WoW when the only reason you go to church is for the stam buff.

How many dwarves does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
– Two. One to hold the light bulb in place and the other to drink until the room starts spinning.

What do rogues and noobs have in common?
– They both pick locks.

What do you call a druid who melees in tree form?
– A combat log.

A forsaken walks into an inn and orders an ale and a mop.

What do you call 10 tauren and 1 gnome on a field?
– Football!

What’s the abbreviation for Death Knight?
– Decay.

Why do heroic raiders smell bad?
– Because they never wipe.

What do noobs and rogues have in common?
– They both pick locks.

Why did the enchanter have to clean out his bank?
– Because it was full of dust!

How did the paladin start losing weight?
– He was eating light.

So I was with a guild friend one time who was trying to level her Alchemy profession and couldn’t remember what crafting reagent she needed.
– She said it was called Earth-something or other.
– I said don’t worry we will get to the root of this problem.

What’s a rogue’s favourite drink?
– Subtle tea.

Why do mages and warlocks get invited to all parties?
– Because mages bring the food and warlocks get you stoned.

Your mom so fat, it takes two warlocks to summon her!

Bouncing elephant.

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