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Witch jokes 🔮🧹 in 2025

What do you call a nervous witch?
– A twitch.

What did one witch’s cat say to the other?
– You look familiar.

How do you make a witch itch?
– Take away her W!

What do you call a witch that wins the lottery?
– A wrich.

Knock, knock

Who’s there?
– Witch

What do a witch and a candle have in common?
– They’re both wicked.

What do witches use on their hair?
– Scare spray.

Why did the witch take a nap?
– She needed to rest a spell.

What do you call a witch with chickenpox?
– An itchy witchy.

What did the witch say to her victim while she was waiting?
– Bewitcha in a minute!

What do you call a witch’s spotless garage?
– A broom closet.

Why are ghosts such terrible liars?
– Because you can see right through them.

How is a witch like a candle?
– They’re both wicked.

Why is a witch like a candle?
– They are both wicked to the core.

What kind of jewelry do witches wear?
– Charm bracelets.

What dessert did the witch give her cat?
– Mice-cream.

Why did the witch travel on a broom?
– She couldn’t afford a vacuum cleaner!

Why can’t angry witches ride their brooms?
– They always fly off the handle.

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