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Winter Jokes ❄️ in 2025

If your reindeer lost his tail, where would you go to buy him a new one?
-A retail store.

What often falls at the North Pole but never gets hurt?

What is the favorite Mexican food of snowman?
-Brrrr – itos.

How does a penguin build a house?
-Igloos it together.

How do you know that a snowman was in your home?
– You find a carrot next to the fireplace.

What do you call a snowman party?
-A snowball.

What sort of ball doesn’t bounce?
– A snowball.

What are caribou calves given to wear?
– Hoof-me-downs.

What do Snowmen call their offspring?

If you live in an igloo, what’s the worst thing about global warming?
-No privacy.

What did Frosty the Snowman and Elvira name their baby?

What’s an ig?
-A snow house without a loo!

What kind of money do snowmen use in the North Pole?
-Cold hard cash.

What happened when an icicle landed on the snowman’s head?
– It knocked him out cold.

What did the snowman eat?
-Icebergs with chilifice sauce.

What do you call a slow skier?
-A slopepoke!

What did the big furry hat say to the warm woolly scarf?
-You hang around while I go on ahead

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