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What do you call jokes in 2024

What do you call something you can serve, but never eat?
– A volleyball.

What do you call a deer that only costs a dollar?
– A buck

What do you call a person with a briefcase in a tree?
– Branch manager.

What do you call an M&M that went to college?
– A smarty.

What do you call a man without a nose and a body?
– Nobody nose.

What do you call an irritating pepper that is really nosy?
– Jalapeño business.

What do you call a kangaroo who is very lazy?
– A pouch potato.

What do you call a kitten which is piled up on another?
– A meow-ntain.

What do you call a monkey who absolutely loves eating potato chips?
– A chipmunk.

What do you call an educated bear who has got a nice degree?
– A koalified bear.

What do you call a dinosaur fart?
– A blast from the past.

What do you call the bottom-most floor of a coffee factory?
– The ground floor.

What do you call a cow that plays a musical instrument?
– A moosician.

What do you call a dog who is a magician?
– A labracadabrador.

What do you call a dinosaur that is not interesting?
– A dinobore.

What do you call a duck who always scores A’s?
– A wise quacker.

What do you call it when a prisoner takes his own mugshot?
– A cellfie.

What did the alien say to the garden?
– Take me to your weeder.

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