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Wednesday jokes in 2025

Why are Superman’s powers useless on Wednesday evenings?
– Because he goes to his weekly Bitcoin meeting and it’s his crypto-night.

One day the president holds a speech to a huge group of people:
– “From now on everybody is only going to work on Wednesdays”.
– Hearing the news, everyone starts cheering with joy and happiness. After a few minutes, one guy from the crowd asks:
– “Every Wednesday?”

Why was Saturday stronger than Wednesday?
– Because Wednesday is a week day.

My boss asked me “this is the third time you’ve been late to work this week… do you know what this means?”
I said
– “…it’s Wednesday?”

What is it that the Wednesdays’ dream to be?
– They only dream and wish of becoming Thursdays.

“Hey, guess what day it is!”
– “Wine Wednesday.”

What do you call Wednesdays at the gym for pirates?
– Peg day

What are the 7 Irish drinking holidays?
– Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

What’s the worst part about friday afternoons?
– Realizing it’s only wednesday.

Why didn’t ‘Mean Girls’ wear black on Wednesday?
– Because they say, “We wear pink on Wednesdays”.

I told my uncle about photoshop. He sent this a week later.”

What day creates the most alternative energy?
– Winds-Day.

Boss says, “its the 3rd time you’ve been late this week! Do you know what that means??”
– Me, “err… It’s Wednesday?”

Ash Wednesday was yesterday so my family is going to be eating a lot more legumes
– Mostly lentils

How do people motivate themselves on Wednesdays?
– They say, “Only two more days for the weekend. Keep it up!”.

What is the best day to eat Camel meat?
– Wednesday

Do you like Wednesday’s because we can go hump back at my place.

My dad’s Christian and my mom’s jewish and they LOVE recycling…
– But it’s a little awkward for both me and my grandad on ash wednesday. Sadly he didn’t survive the holocaust.

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