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Weather jokes โ›…๐ŸŒจ๏ธ in 2025

What is a kingโ€™s favorite kind of precipitation?
– Hail!

All my friends came to visit me in the place I’m in for vacation even tho I warned them the weather is terribly cold
– I was clear in my message “It’s cool here, I’m chillin”

Q: What did the thermometer say to the other thermometer?
– A: You make my temperature rise.

Knock, Knock!
– Whoโ€™s there?
– Alaska.
– Alaska who?
– Alaska my mom if I can play in the snow.

When it rains chickens and ducks,
– you could say it’s fowl weather.

What do you call a kidney doctor who can also predict the weather?
– A meaty-urologist.

Q: What do snowmen eat for lunch?
– A: Icebergers

It was so hot in Beverly Hills, โ€จpeople were frying egg whites on the sidewalk.

What happens when winter arrives?
– Autumn leaves!

What is the best day to go to the beach?
– Sun-day, of course.

What is the wettest animal?
– A rain-deer!

Q: What does it do before it rains candy?
– A: It sprinkles!

Knock, knock!

– Who’s there?

– Emma.

– Emma who?

– Emma bit cold out here – can you let me in?

What did one lightning bolt say to the other?
– โ€œYouโ€™re shocking!โ€

Why does Snoop Dogg need an umbrella?
– Foโ€™ drizzle.

My girlfriend gained 50 pounds and can now predict the weather.
– She fancies herself a meatierologist.

Q: Whatever happened to the cow that was lifted into the air by the tornado?
– A: Udder disaster!

What goes up when the rain comes down?
– An umbrella!

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