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Weather jokes โ›…๐ŸŒจ๏ธ in 2025

Q: What do you call a month’s worth of rain?
– A: England

Q: Where do snowmen keep their money?
– A: In a snow bank.

The hottest day of the week is Sun-day.

It was a terrible summer for Humpty Dumpty, but he certainly had a great fall.

Knock knock!
– Who’s there?
– Snow.
– Snow who?
– Snow business like show business!

Q: What did the evaporating raindrop say?
– A: I’m going to pieces.

What does a cloud wear under his raincoat?
– Thunderwear!

When does it rain money?
– When there’s a change in the weather.

Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach?
– They peel!

Q: Why is there no gold at the end of the rainbow?
– A: The Leprachan took it and sold it to Cash4Gold!

Q: When does it rain money?
– A: When there is “change” in the weather.

Knock, knock!

– Who’s there?

– Lettuce.

– Lettuce who?

– Lettuce in, it’s raining outside.

Whatโ€™s the difference between weather and climate?
– You canโ€™t weather a tree, but you can climate.

How much does it cost Santa to ride his sleigh around the world?
– Eight bucks. Unless the weather is bad, then itโ€™s nine bucks.

Q: What do you call dangerous precipitation?
– A: A rain of terror

No, Iโ€™m not walking on string-cheese stilts.
– These are just my first bare legs of the season.

What did the hurricane say to the other hurricane?
– I have my eye on you.

Why is the sun so smart?
– It has over 5,000 degrees.

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