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Weather jokes โ›…๐ŸŒจ๏ธ in 2025

What do coulds do when they become rich?
– They make it rain!

Q: What is a Queens favorite kind of precipitation?
– A: Reign!

If Iโ€™m on the course and lightning starts, I get inside fast. If God wants to play through, let him.

How does a thunderstorm catch fish?
– With a lightning rod!

Did you hear about the woman who wore sunglasses?
– She took a very dim view of things.

When can three giant dinosaurs get under an umbrella and not get wet?

– When itโ€™s not raining!

Q: What’s the difference between a horse and the weather?
– A: One is reined up and the other rains down.

Knock, knock!

– Who’s there?

– Hurricane.

– Hurricane who?

– Hurry! Cane you run away from the storm?

What did one thermometer say to the other thermometer?
– โ€œYou make my temperature rise.โ€

Where do lightning bolts go on dates?
– To cloud nine.

Q: Where do lightning bolts go on dates?
– A: To Cloud 9

Q: How do hurricanes see?
– A: With one eye!

What did one lightning bolt say to the other lightning bolt?
– You’re shocking!

I heard Humpty Dumpty had a great summerโ€ฆ
– But he had a horrible fall.

Did you hear about the cow that was swept away in a torndo?
– It was under disaster!

Q: What is the Mexican weather report?
– A: Chili today and hot tamale.

Why does moisture destroy leather?
– When itโ€™s raining, cows donโ€™t go up to the farmhouse yelling, โ€œLet us in! Weโ€™re all wearing leather! Weโ€™re going to ruin the whole outfit here!โ€

Rain doesn’t fall…
– it raindrops!

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