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Walk into a bar jokes 🍺🤠 in 2025

So a five-dollar bill walks into a bar, and the bartender says,
– “Hey. This is a singles bar.”

The past, the present, and the future walk into a bar…
– It was tense.

Helen Keller walked into a bar.
– Then a table.
– Then a chair.

An Irishman walked past a bar.

A pun, a play on words and a limmerick walk into a bar.
– No joke!

Two termites walk into a bar.
– One asks, “Is the bar tender here?”

Stephen hawking walks into a bar
– … oh wait.

A feminist walks into a bar.
– Her friend says “oh my god your shoulders are broad!” another woman says “are you sure it’s a woman?”

A Russian walked into a bar… unlucky for him, in Soviet Russia,
– you don’t walk into bars. Bars walk into you

Have you heard the new pickup line in a gay bar ?
– Can I push your stool in for ya

The second scientist says, “I’ll have an H2O too.
– ” The second scientist died .

What did the blind man fight in the bar?
– The coat rack

An Orphan walks into a bar and
– The bartender says “buddy you have to go home”
– the orphan replies ” where is home”

One man walked into a bar, a second man walked into a bar,
– but the third guy ducked.

So Helen Keller walked into a bar, then a stool, then a table, then a door…

Two guys walk into a bar. The third one ducks.

Two men walk into a bar you’d think the second one would’ve seen it

Two scientists walk into a bar.
– One says ¨I want h20” the other said ¨ I want h20 too¨ The second scientist died.

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