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Walk into a bar jokes 🍺🤠 in 2025

So Steven Hawking walks into a bar…
– Oh wait.

A nucleus walked into a bar,
– he asked the bartender, “How much for a drink?”
– The bartender replied, “For you, NO CHARGE!”

A bartender says, “We don’t serve time travelers in here.”
– A time traveler walks in a bar…

Two termites walk into a bar. One asks,
– “Is the bar tender here?”

How many gay guys can u fit on a bar stool?
– Four just flip it over.

What do a girl and a bar have in common?
– A- Liquor in the front poker in the back!!

whats long, hard and slimy?
– A bar of soap

A penguin walks into a bar.
– The bartender says, “So what will it be this time?”
– The penguin doesn’t answer because it’s a penguin.

A hamburger walks into a bar.
– The bartender says, “I’m sorry. We don’t serve food here.”

So a blind man walks into a bar.
– At least he thinks so.

A Roman walks into a bar and orders a martinus,
– the bartender says “Don’t you mean a Martini?”
– the Roman then says “Look,if I want a double I’ll ask for one.

Sixteen molecules of sodium walk into a bar.
– Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!!!

So Stephen Hawking walked into a bar- just kidding.

Why did the catholic priest suck dick at a glory hole?
– because someone asked him what would he do for a klondike bar

What’s a aliens favorite computer key?
– the space bar!

E-flat walks into a bar.
– The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve minors.”

A bartender says, “We don’t serve time travelers in here!”
– A time traveler walks into a bar.

A Horse walks into a bar.
– The Barman says… “why The long face?”

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