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Volleyball Jokes 🏐 in 2025

The best volleyball players among animals are right inside your house!
-The spiders as having the best topspin.

How can you tell if your The former volleyball player turned musician only produced one song and went silent.
-She was truly a one hit wonder.

Where do ghosts play volleyball?
-On a volleyball corpse!

The volleyball player had shoestrings and ropes
-because she wanted to tie the score.

Volleyball players love pop-up blockers
-on their computers.

No matter how hard you spike a volleyball,
-you can never succeed in taking away its dig-nity.

Volleyball players tend to use airmails
-for communication purposes.

How do physicists play Volleyball?
-In vacuum with perfect spheres.

The bets job after being a volleyball player is
-air traffic control.

What should one put on while playing against the Volleyball Team of their country?
-Football helmets.

Ghosts love playing volleyball
-at the volleyball corpse.

Volleyball players like the song ‘Net it Go’
-by Demi Lovato.

When the volleyball team came home,
-the minister organized a block party for them.

I’ve never lost a game of football basketball or volleyball!
-Though I’ve never played a game either

the two volleyball players who have just married met in the previous tournament and
-loved at the first spike.

How many volleyball referees do you need to screw in a light bulb?
-because they are always in the dark.

Why do volleyball players like to go swimming?
-They enjoy diving in the deep and floating in the shallow.

Spike Lee is the prominent movie director
– behind all volleyball injuries movies.

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