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Volleyball Jokes 🏐 in 2024

What can you serve but never eat?
-A volleyball

The school I teach at had a volleyball game tonight…
-I told the students that just because it is Halloween it does not give them the right to “boo” the refs.

Why do volleyball player want to join the armed forces?
-For the chance to gain some experience in the service.

Ultimately, the volleyball player decided to join the marines
-because her heart was out to serve the country.

Why did the volleyball player bring an extra pair of shoelaces?
-Because she wanted to tie the score.

Where is the first volleyball match mentioned in the Bible?
-When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court.

What do volleyball players do in their free time?
-Watch Spike TV.

Why did the blonde volleyball player end up getting fired from her waitressing job?
-Someone said she needed to serve the food.

Why don’t sniper attacks work on volleyball players?
-Because they always run for cover.

There will never be a volleyball team for fish.
-They all fear the net.

Never trust volleyball players with your drinks
-They might spike ’em.

What will you be able to serve and never consume?
-A volleyball.

Policemen are great at Volleyball, guess why?
-They serve and protect.

For what reason do you require 6 players for carrying the volleyball to the game?
-None will be able to carry the volleyball as well as an entire team.

Ghosts love playing volleyball
-at the volleyball corpse.

Volleyball players like the song ‘Net it Go’
-by Demi Lovato.

When the volleyball team came home,
-the minister organized a block party for them.

I’ve never lost a game of football basketball or volleyball!
-Though I’ve never played a game either

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