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Volcano jokes ๐ŸŒ‹ in 2024

Why are volcanoes bad at poker? They have too many tells.

What do you call a volcano that can sing? A blast-tenor!

What’s a volcano’s favorite subject? Geo-graphy!

What’s a volcano’s favorite card game? Hot Poker.

What does a volcano like to read? Eruption novels!

How does a volcano flirt? It says “You’re lava-ly!”

Why did the volcano go to school? It wanted to improve its lava-ratory skills!

Why was the volcano a good musician? It always hit the high notes with an eruption.

What do you call a romantic volcano? Lava-dovey.

Why do volcanoes make terrible thieves? They always leave a trail!

What’s a volcano’s favorite dessert? Molten lava cake.

Why do volcanoes always finish their work quickly? They hate when things drag-ma out!

What’s a volcano’s favorite time of year? Eruptember!

What do you call a confident volcano? A magma-nificent spectacle!

Why did the volcano apply for a job? It felt it could bring explosive ideas!

How does a volcano say goodbye? “Catch you on the hot side!”

How does a volcano propose? With an erupting diamond ring!

What did the bread say to the volcano? You’re toast!

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