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Vegetable jokes 🥕🍅🥒 in 2025

Why do potatoes always argue?
– Because they can never see eye to eye.

Why is it impossible to get angry with a yam?
– Because they’re such sweet potatoes.

What do you call a fast fungus?
– A mush-vroom.

Which vegetable tells us how old a taxi is?
– Cabbage.

Why couldn’t the vegetable marry the fruit?
– Because it was cantaloupe.

What’s the fastest vegetable?
…. a runner bean

Which vegetable loves roller coasters?
– Celerweeeeeeeeeeeee.

Which vegetable is best at kung fu?
– Brock Lee.

Do you know why Cannibals eat Vegetables?
– Easy Prey

How did the vegetables ask to be paid more?
– Leetuce have a raisin celery

How did the farmer fix his jeans?
– With a vegetale patch.

What is a librarian’s favourite vegetable?
– Quiet peas.

I’ve started investing in stocks; beef, chicken and vegetable.
– One day I hope to be a bouillonaire.

Can someone help me with my vegetable soup?
– I can’t seem to fit the wheelchair into the pot.

Why did the carrot get embarrassed?
– Cos it saw the chick pea!…Thank you Evan, for this side-splitter.

Who is the smartest potato in the vegetable patch?
– I yam.

What kind of vegetable always gets jealous?
– A green bean.

I applied to be a vegetable farmer..
– They said they won’t pay me hourly they’ll pay me celery!

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