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Valentines day jokes 💝 in 2025

How did one Bloody Mary share their strong feelings with another?
– “Olive you.”

What can get you in trouble with the law on Valentine’s Day?
– Stealing too many hearts.

What did the painter say to her boyfriend?
– I love you with all my art!

Q. What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine’s Day?
– A. I’m stuck on you!

“What did one sheep say to the other on February 14?”
– “I love ewe.”

Why did the skeleton break up with her boyfriend before Valentine’s Day?
– Her heart wasn’t in it.

Everyone has a date for Valentine’s Day
— it’s February 14!

What do you call a ghost’s true love?
– His ghoul-friend.

How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?
– He gave her a ring.

“Why did the sheriff lock up their valentine?”
– “She stole their heart.”

Why are artichokes so beloved?
– They’re known for their hearts.

What are insects called when they’re dating?
– Lovebugs.

What did the painter say to her sweetheart?
– I love you with all my art.

What did the chocolate syrup say to the ice cream?
– I’m sweet on you!

What kind of Valentine’s candy is never on time?
– ChocoLATE

“What do you call a very small Valentine?”
– “A valen-tiny.”

What do you call two sparrows who just got engaged?
– “Lovebirds.”

What do pieces of fruit write to each other in their V-Day cards?
– “I love you berry much!”

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