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Unicorn Jokes 🦄 in 2024

What do you call it when a unicorn wakes up for a midnight snack?
-Star grazing

What do you call a unicorn that doesn’t have a horn?
-A horse!

What do unicorn mums bake on Sundays?
-Uni-Corn muffins!

Did you hear about the unicorn with a negative attitude?
-She always said neigh.

Unicorns are real
-they’re just big, grey, and called rhinos.

What looks like half a unicorn?
-The other half!

What do you call a unicorn with a soar throat?

Why did the unicorn cross the road?
-Because it wanted to see its neighbours.

What is the unicorn’s favorite sport?
-Running mare-athons.

What has a horn but doesn’t honk?
– A unicorn!

How does the unicorn display the spoils from her Fall harvest?
-With a unicornicopia

What is a unicorns favourite breakfast cereal?
-Lucky charms!

Unicorns never horse around
– they always just get right to the point!

What street do unicorns live on?
– Mane Street.

What do you call a scary unicorn?
-A nightmare

Where did the unicorn run to after the rainstorm?
-Somewhere over the rainbow!

Why did the unicorn cross the road?
-Because he wanted to get hit by a car.

Why did the unicorn run across the road?
-It was late for horse-story class.

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