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Turkey Jokes 🦃 in 2025

What’s black, white and red?
– A Pilgrim blushing because he’d seen the turkey dressing.

What’s the best way to deal with a turkey?
– Have it killed and then cran-bury it!!!!

What kind of key can’t open doors
-A tur-key.

My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving jokes
-…but I couldn’t quit cold turkey.

Why can’t you take turkeys to church?
– They use fowl language!

If you call a big turkey a gobbler, what do you call a small one?
-A goblet.

Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
-To prove he wasn’t chicken.

What type of glass does a turkey drink from?
-A gobblet

What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?
-Peach gobbler!

What’s the universal key to a lovely Thanksgiving?
-The turkey.

What sound does a space turkey make?
– “Hubble, hubble!”

What’s the easiest way to catch a turkey?
-Ask a friend to toss one at you.

What should you say when your family begs you to stop making these jokes?
-I can’t quit cold turkey!

How many chefs does it take to stuff a Thanksgiving turkey?
– Only one and even then it’s a pretty tight squeeze.

What do you call a rude turkey?
-A jerk-key!

What do you call a running turkey?
-Fast food.

Why did the turkey cross the road before Thanksgiving?
-He was trying to give people the impression that he was a chicken.

Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?
-Of course! Buildings can’t jump.

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