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Tuesday jokes in 2025

Why is Sunday stronger than Tuesday?
– Because Tuesday is a weekday.

What’s E.T. short for?
– Because he’s got little legs.

why was the computer late to work?
– because it had a hard drive! (stole it from ellen, from her classic joke tuesday)

Why can’t the kids take a ferry to school on Tuesday?
– Because they have tuesday(to-use-da) roadway to reach the school.

Why were Taco Tuesdays introduced?
– Because they wanted to give us something to taco ’bout the whole week.

Writing “Twosday” instead of “Tuesday” is word play
– But writing “Twosday” twice is four play

I finally decided to sell my vacuum cleaner. All it was doing was gathering dust!

Why couldn’t Tuesday have fun with his friends?
– Because he could never see the weekend from there.

What is the case of a bad Monday called on a Tuesday?
– It is just a pre-existing condition.

People say its a Case of the Mondays
– Tuesday is when you realize it’s a preexisting condition

Where do you find a cow with no legs?
– Right where you left it.

Why did taco cry on a Tuesday when it was supposed to be happy because it was Taco Tuesday?
– Because a nacho said to it, “I am nacho friend anymore”.

– Told my wife I wanted to be cremated. She made me an appointment for next Tuesday.

What is the opposite of a croissant?
– A happy uncle.

What did dad say when mom asked him to get groceries alone?
– He said, “It’s Twosday, you’ve got to come along with me.”

SNL does great parodies of presidential debates.
– For some reason this one is airing on a Tuesday though

When you die, what part of the body dies last?
– The pupils…they dilate.

What sounds better than a ‘happy Monday’?
– A very ‘happy Tuesday’ indeed.

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