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Trucker jokes 🚚 in 2025

I give to you a joke I made up when I was seven: Why did the computer crash?
– It had a bad driver!

**bows **

I’ll show myself out.

Did you hear about the limo driver who was in business for 25 years without a single customer?
– All that time and nothing to chauffeur it.

I’m pretty sure this is the joke that will yield me my fortune.

My teacher told me I’d never get a job staring out of a window
– I guess I showed her, huh?

On the back of his truck was a sign saying, ‘How am I driving?’
– I thought to myself, “I’ve got no idea either!”

Do you know what the opposite of a drag race is?
– I don’t, but the truck driver passing another on the interstate sure might.

What’s the difference between a drunk driver and a stoned driver?
– A drunk driver will run the stop sign. A stoned driver will stop and wait for the sign to turn green.

How do truckers contact each other in Wisconsin?
– They use a Milwaukee-talkie.

What did the little Nissan truck say to the big Nissan truck?
– “Oh Nissan!”

Why did the propane truck driver get a speeding ticket?
– He was hauling gas.

Why do women make terrible truck drivers?
– Because you give them a full load, and they take 9 months to deliver.

What do truckers do when they get E.D.
– They get a new peterbuilt

A Blond walks into a gas station…
and asks the employee: “I locked my keys in the car. Do you have a coat hanger or something I can stick through the window to unlock the door?”
Ten minutes later a trucker comes in and can’t stop laughing. So the employee asks him why he is laughing. The trucker says: “There is a Blond who tries to open her car with a coat hanger!” The employee: “So what? This could happen to anyone.” Trucker: “Sure, but usually there isn’t another Blond in the car who yells: a little more right / a little more left! “

What is a Truckers favorite part about the movies?
– The trailer

Two guys get pulled over…
– Two guys in a car get pulled over. The cop walks up to the window and says “We’re looking for 2 pedophiles”. The car window goes up then after a few seconds comes back down.
The driver gives a sigh. “Alright, we’ll do it”

Why can’t truck drivers ever fully retire?
– Because they can only semi retire.

A cement truck driver stole my identity and nobody would believe me.
– But then I found some concrete evidence.

I kept asking a trucker what today’s date was…
– Only thing he would say was, “10-4, good buddy”

How do truckers contact each other in Wisconsin?
– They use a Milwaukee-Talkie

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