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Trombone jokes ๐ŸŽบ in 2024

Why did the trombone go to the forest? For the “natural” sounds!

What do you call a trombone at a boxing match? A “brass” knuckle duster!

Why did the trombone go to the bakery? For the sweet “notes”!

Why did the trombone go to the perfume shop? For the scent of “brass”!

What’s a trombone’s favorite dance move? The “slide” step!

Why did the trombone go to the gym? To get in “brass” shape!

How do trombones drink their tea? In “concert” pitch!

What do you call a trombone in a magic show? A “brass” trickster!

Why did the trombone go to the beach? For the sandy “notes”!

What do you call a trombone in a spaceship? An out-of-this-world “note”!

Why did the trombone join the circus? For the high “brass” acts!

Why did the trombone go to the jewelry shop? For the “golden” notes!

What do you call a trombone at a fashion show? A model with “brass”!

Why did the trombone go to the ice-cream shop? For the “smoothie” sounds!

What do you call a trombone in a washing machine? A spin “cycle” of sound!

What do you call a trombone at a superhero movie? A “brass” avenger!

Why do trombones make great comedians? They always know the “pitch”!

What’s a trombone’s favorite exercise? Slide and stretch!

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