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Tree Jokes 🌲 in 2025

Did you hear the one about the oak tree?
-It’s a corn-y one!

Where can Adansonia trees go for a quick trim?
-To the baobarber.

How do trees get online?
-They just log in.

What kind of tree can fit into your hand?
-A palm tree!

What happened to the wooden car with wooden wheels and a wooden engine?
-It wooden go.

How did the elm tree know the fig tree wasn’t looking for anything serious?
– It asked for no twigs attached.

What happens to maple trees on Valentine’s Day?
-They get sappy.

Why was the tree stumped?
-It couldn’t get to the root of the problem.

What do vain trees do to get rid of wrinkles?
– Get a faceleaft.

Where do saplings go to learn?
– Elementree school.

Why were so many people sitting under the tree?
-It was poplar.

How do you properly identify a dogwood tree?
-By the bark!

What’s a tree’s favorite dating app?
– Timber.

What’s the same size and shape as a giant sequoia tree, yet weighs nothing?
-A giant sequoia tree’s shadow.

What is a pine tree’s favorite singer?
-Spruce Springsteen.

A snare drum and a crash symbol fell out of a tree.

What do you get when you cross a tree with an artificial waterway?
-A root canal.

Why was the tree arrested?
– For shopleafting.

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