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Tree Jokes 🌲 in 2025

What happens when a tree falls into mud?
-It leafs an impression.

Why did the tree need to take a nap?
-For rest.

How do trees keep you in suspense?
-I’ll tell you tomorrow.

What did the tree say after he made an offer?
– Take it or leaf it.

What did Betula pendula say to her super-annoying sister?
– Leaf me alone, birch!

How many oranges grow on a tree?
– All of them.

Why did the Chesnut tree feel left out?
-It never got in on the oak.

Why can’t the lonely evergreen stop thinking about high school?
– She’s still pining to be one of the poplar kids.

What looks like half a tree?
-The other half.

What type of tree fits in your hand?
-A palm tree.

Why was the weeping willow so sad?
-It watched a sappy movie.

What type of fish falls from trees?

Would you like to read a joke about tree-free paper?
– The thing is, it’s tearable.

What is every single tree’s least favorite month?

What tree produces fruit that tastes like chicken?

Why couldn’t the evergreen ever land a date?
-It was so busy pining after unavailable trees that it never really branched out.

What did the tree wear to the pool party?
-Swimming trunks!

Which side of a tree has the most leaves?
-The outside.

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