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Travel jokes ✈️🧳 in 2025

My friend won’t stop talking to me about oceans,
– he’s got a very pacific interest in them!

When in Vietnam…
– Have a rice day.

I invented time travel and killed my grandfather to see if I wouldn’t be born
– It’s the worst way to get to know I’m adopted..

DUBAI your masks and gloves and wear them?

What do you call a traveler that doesn’t lose its temper?
– A nomad.

Where do cows go on vacation?
– Moo York!

I’ve been traveling through time so much
– that I even forgot what I had for tomorrow’s breakfast.

A bartender said “Sorry, we don’t serve time travellers”.
– Two time travellers walk into a bar

Why did the coffee have a rubbish vacation?
– It got mugged on the first day.

Where is a Bee’s favorite vacation destination?
– Stingapore!

For every city you love…
– I just a-door this city!

How does a flat-earther travel the world?
– On a plane.

Venice this going to get over?

Did you hear about the crime committed by the artist?
– Details are sketchy.

My fear of moving stairs just never stops escalating.

The only thing that travels faster than light is…

– Your weekend.

When traveling through nature, it’s always smart to bring a seasoned hiker with you.
– It’s a well known fact that bears find unseasoned hikers bland and tasteless.

I’ve been Washington’s of utensils.

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