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Travel jokes ✈️🧳 in 2025

My Tinder bio says that I have a corner office with views of the entire city, drive a $500,000 vehicle, and that I’m paid to travel.
– My dates never seem too happy when I tell them I’m a bus driver.

How does a Flat Earther travel the world?
– On a plane.

How did the buffalo say goodbye to his son at the train station?
– Bison!

Why did one airplane annoy the others?
– Bad altitude.

How do fleas like to travel?
– Itch hiking!

Why can’t flies ever travel in an airplane?
– They are always in the No Fly List !

At this rate, I see my savings Dublin

Did you hear about the fire at the bakery?
– The business is toast now.

I have to sand it to them.
– The beaches I visited on vacation were incredible!

I want to tell you a time travel joke.
– But you didn’t like it.

Carpenters always travel the same way
– By plane.

How do you know when an ocean is happy to see you?
– It waves.

Why do people take an instant dislike to flight attendants?
– To save time later.

This is the first year I’m not going to travel because of covid
– Normally it’s because I’m poor

I followed my heart and it led me to the Airport.

I could hear a constant buzzing after returning from my holiday.
– The doctor said it’s just a bug going around.

What did the flight attendant say to the elephant?
– Only one trunk was allowed as a carry-on!

When in Paris…
– This place is rem-arc-able!

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