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Train jokes 🚅 in 2025

Why can’t train engineers get electrocuted?
– They’re not the conductor.

How do find out how heavy a whale is?
– By taking it to the whale weigh station

What happened to the boy who was doing a project on trains?
– He found it difficult to keep track of everything.

Everyone is in love with the train driver, he is very at-track-tive.

Knock, knock!
– Who’s there?
– Levin. Levin who?
– Levin on a steam train.

There are locomotive olympics for which you have to train really hard.

The train driver’s day starts early: he gets up at the track of dawn.

Be careful with train drivers, they can go off the rails at anytime!

No matter where you are, you’ll never see happy railroad tracks.
– Too many people have crossed them.

How do you locate a stolen train?
– By following the tracks.

I know someone who tried to runway after camouflaging a railway.
– He tried to cover his tracks.

No one drinks faster than a train driver: he keeps chugging!

I’ve always been a big fan of a funny one-liner. I guess that’s why I like monorails so much!

I like to share a train pun or one-liner. I’ve always been driven by the joy of monorails.

Why can’t train engineers be electrocuted?
– Because they aren’t conductors.

And of course… How would you work out how heavy a whale is? You would take it to a whale weigh station….

The locomotive driver is a great person to work with; he’s always happy to take one for the steam.

Wow, you really have to hand it to ticket inspectors. (That’s it. That’s the joke.)

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