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Toilet Paper jokes 🧻 in 2025

Why are people mass buying toilet paper because of the corona virus?
– When someone sneezes every one shits they’re pants

why could’t the toilet paper cross the street
-because it got stuck in a crack

Ultra strong toilet paper should be called
– heavy doody.

I see how it is y’all be buying toilet paper stocking up from the Coronavirus
– but where on the symptoms does it say diarrhea lol why y’all be buying toilet paper now I am just confused

How come the toilet paper could not make it across the road?
-Because of the Corona Virus

Why should you use good quality toilet paper?
– They will make you Sparkle.

Why did the toilet paper not make across the road
– Because it got stuck in the crack

Where did the Terminator find toilet paper?
-Aisle B, Back.

Why did the toilet’s mother take her to the doctor?
-Because he was looking flushed.

Why couldn’t the toilet paper cross the road
– Because it was stuck in a crack

I only use single ply toilet paper.
-It has a more personal touch.

Toothbrush says I have the worst job ever.
– Toilet paper says you think your job shity.

Why does the disabled person scrunch his toilet paper up
– because that’s the way he rolls

Why are toilet papers bad at texting?
-They never re-ply on time.

What did the toilet paper say when he got stuck in a crack on the side walk ?
– I got stuck in a but crack

Still no toilet paper at the store today.
– They’re wiped out.

Badass Toilet Paper Company:
-We don’t take shit off of anyone.

Why didn’t the toilet paper not cross the road?
-it was stuck in a crack

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