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Toilet Paper jokes 🧻 in 2024

What did the toilet paper say to the other toilet paper?
-Hey check me out I’m on a roll!

Whats so funny about toilet paper?
– The toilet aspect!

Why did the toilet paper go to a doctor?
-It was feeling wiped.

No more toilet paper
-please tell me you are joking

My wife always yells at me for the way I face the toilet paper, but I can’t help it.
-That’s how I roll.

Do you know the difference between toilet paper and a shower curtan
– So your the one !

Hay guys
– I use toilet paper

What do toilet paper and numbers have in common?
-Both can be multi-ply’d.

When it comes to recycling toilet paper
-you really need to process the crap out of it.

today my toilet paper ran across the road
-but it got stuck in the crack

Why could the toilet paper not stop?
-Because he was on a roll.

Why is there no toilet paper at KFC?
-Because it’s finger licken’ good!

Why couldn’t the toilet paper cross the road?
– Cause it got stuck in the crack if u dont get it it got stuck in the butt crack

What do you call a dinosaur that uses cheap toilet paper?
– Megasoreass.

What does the starship Enterprise & toilet paper have in common?
– they both circle looking for Kling-Ons!

Toilet paper cried
-across the road

Why could the toilet paper not stop?
– Because it was on a roll.

the toilet paper tried to cross the road
-he couldnt because he was stuck in a CRACK

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