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Titanic jokes 💑🚢🧊🌊 in 2025

You know what’s the common thing between iPhone 7 and the board on Titanic?
– There is no room for Jack

My Grandfather saw the Titanic. He shouted loudly to all within earshot “that ship is going to sink!”. He was ignored. But he kept it up “Mark my words. That ship will sink on her maiden voyage!”
– Eventually the ushers threw him out of the theater.

TIL the sinking of the Titanic is commemorated in Mexico.
– Otherwise known as Sink-o de Mayo.

A Chinese man and a Jewish man are sitting next to each other on a plane.
Suddenly, the Jewish man slaps the Chinese man across the face.

“What was that for?” asks the Chinese man..

“For Pearl Harbor” says the Jewish man.

“That was Japanese. I’m Chinese,” the Chinese man says.

“Chinese, Japanese” what’s the difference?

Few minutes later, the Chinese man slaps the Jewish man.

“What was that for?” asks the Jew.

“It’s for the Titanic.”

“The Titanic? That was an iceberg…”

“Iceberg, Goldberg, what’s the difference?” says the Chinese man.

What does an iPhone 7 and The Titanic have in common?
– The end has no Jack.

My grandpa warned people the Titanic would sink…
– No one listened, but he kept warning them until they got sick of him and kicked him out of the cinema.

Q: What is the difference between a blonde and “The Titanic”?
A: They know how many men went down on “The Titanic”.

What’s the similarity between 6th Sense and Titanic?
– Icy dead people.

What do you get if you cross Titanic with Sixth Sense?
– Icy dead people

What do the iPhone 7 and the Titanic have in common?
– There’s no room for jack, on both of them

Did you know in 1998 Titanic overtook Jurassic Park to become the highest grossing film of all time?
– I guess the Titanic can’t survive an iceberg but it can beat a Spielberg.

The Titanic
The Titanic was God’s way of talking to us.

Pity, it was such a bad ice-breaker

I renamed my iPhone “The Titanic”
– Now, when I plug it in, it informs me: The Titanic is syncing.

TIL the pool on the titanic is still filled with water to this day.
– Oh wait…

When my grandfather saw the Titanic he warned everyone that it would sink, but they ignored him.
– He kept on saying this until they finally threw him out of the theatre.

If you want to stay well connected, just take all your devices aboard the Titanic.
– They’ll sync really well…

The Titanic disaster happened 106 years ago today…
– Just let that sink in

I renamed my iPod The Titanic
– When I plug it in, it says “The Titanic is syncing”.

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