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Titanic jokes 💑🚢🧊🌊 in 2025

Why is it that there are no subtitles for the last 15 minutes of “Titanic”?
– A good caption always goes down with the ship.

Why will Titanic II be better than Titanic I?
– Because there are no icebergs to crash into anymore.

My grandfather warned people that the Titanic would sink
No one listened, but he kept on warning them nonetheless until they got sick of him and kicked him out the movie theatre

My grandad predicted that the Titanic would sink
He went to great pains to try and alert everyone. Sadly no one would listen. He told people in authority, middle-management and even the every-day punters who bought tickets. He was silenced from every corner in spite of all the evidence he put forward. Eventually he was forcibly removed from the cinema.

What’s the difference between CNN and the Titanic?
– The Titanic had all of its anchors when it sank

What did the iceberg say to the Titanic after if finally got outta the way?
– Sank you

Titanic sank 103 years ago…
…making it the only thing your mom didn’t go down on! Hi-YO!

What does titanic and the sixth sense have in common?
– Icy dead people

– Sorry that was a terrible ice breaker

Onboard the Titanic…
– While cruising aboard the Titanic, an engineer boasts to his dinner companions, “This ship is so seaworthy that even God can’t sink her!”

Overhearing what the engineer said, God started laughing so hard that he spilled his glass of water and ice cubes went flying everywhere.

My great-grandfather kept screaming, “The Titantic’s going to sink! The Titanic’s going to sink.” And everyone got angry…
… so they kicked him out of the movie theater.

My Grandpa saw the Titanic
– From the very beginning, he warned everyone that the ship would sink. But nobody listen to him.

He was a brave man, he never gave up. He warn them again and again on many occasions… Until they kick him out from the cinema.

I downloaded all the music to the movie Titanic.
– It’s syncing now.

What’s a bad icebreaker?
– The Titanic.

What’s the difference between my ex and the titanic?
– The titanic only went down on 1,000 people.

I’m not sure how much you know about the story of the Titanic…
…but what caused it to sink is just the tip of the iceberg.

Now I know it’s the 100 Aniversary of the Titanic and all…
– But aren’t the Italians going a little far with their tribute

Wanna hear a fun fact about the Titanic?
– The pool is still full.

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