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Thursday jokes in 2025

What do the French call a really bad Thursday?
– A Tra-jeudi!

Always think about positive thoughts so that you can move forward and be an inspiration to other people.

Why are Sundays stronger and more powerful than Tuesdays?
– Because Tuesday is just a weak-day.

I have enough money to set me for life…
– If I die next Thursday.

Why were my neighbors walking barefoot in their garden?
– Because they were celebrating open Toesday!

Why did the vegetable salad say to a fruit juice on a Tuesday morning?
– “They say it is our day, TossedDay!”

Nothing screws up your Friday like realizing it’s only Thursday.

Why can’t you change the decision of a seal saying ‘Tuesdays are the best’?
– Because it is a seal of approval.

I asked the farmers to attend a meeting on Thursday morning.
– None of them turnip.

A new day also means a new beginning. Forget about the past and have a fresh start.

Why did Pooh like Taco Tuesdays?
– Because they help in enhancing his roundness for the rest of the week.

So I was all dressed in latex whipping my slave when they kept on yelling someone else’s safe word. Then I realized this was my Wednesday appointment and not my Thursday appointment.
– Whoops, wrong sub.

How many days did it take for Sunday to reach Wednesday?
– Twosday.

Why don’t people differentiate between Monday and Tuesday morning?
– Because for them Tuesday morning is just as similar to Mondays.

Be in love with every minute of your life – live every day like it’s your last.

Why do you often see fewer airplanes in the sky on Tuesday?
– Because after a long weekend, they’re supposed Tuesday grounded.

I asked the farmers to attend a meeting on Thursday morning.
– None of them turnip.

Why were Taco Tuesdays introduced?
– Because they wanted to give us something to taco ’bout the whole week.

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