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Thursday jokes in 2025

The only thing I throwback on Thursday is Scotch.

What sounds better than a ‘happy Monday’?
– A very ‘happy Tuesday’ indeed.

Why is a Tuesday morning not bad?
– Because it a sign that one has survived through the previous Monday morning!

It’s Thursday. Let’s get shaken and stirred. Do I smell the weekend?

Why shouldn’t you eat a kids meal on Tuesdays?
– You shouldn’t eat a kid’s meal on any day because their mother will get angry with you!

Last Thursday, Bob ran into the supermarket in a hurry.
– “Ouch!” he said, then continued on his way, making sure to run around the supermarket this time.

Why didn’t the eggs go to school after Tuesday?
– They were all eggs-hausted and were afraid of the following day – the Humpty day!

Friday just called – she’ll be here tomorrow, and she’s bringing the wine.

How do you mark the day when the baby chews food for the first time on Tuesday?
– You call it a ‘Chewsday’.

Why did the employee leave the office on a Tuesday morning?
– Because his boss said, ‘Have a good day’.

You have to value all the things that you have right now.

What did the employees say to the boss when he could find them on Tuesdays?
– They smiled at him and said, “Good employees are just hard to find, especially on a week day”.

It’s Alzheimers day on thursday…
– It’s Alzheimers day on thursday…

What do Tuesdays always love to do?
– They like to put the blame on Mondays.

This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

What is common between eggs and Tuesday?
– One can make a scrambled breakfast and the other can scramble your week.

Why are mints necessary for meals during Tuesday mornings?
– Because they back you up with an encourage-mint to reach the weekend.

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