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Thursday jokes in 2024

Thursday. The most useless day. it only exists as a reminder that it’s been a really long week, and it’s still not over.

Why would you call Tuesday 22nd in February 2022?
– A Two’s day full of 22/2/22.

My milk expires next thursday
– That means my milk has a date on Valentines Day, and I still don’t.

Let God guide you in your path today. He will provide you the strength that you need.

What did the weeks say to the boy when he was really worried about Tuesday?
– “Don’t worry, Friday is on its way”.

Why did the employee worry about his Friday being ruined?
– Because it was still Tuesday morning.

If 40 is the new 30, and 50 is the new 40, why can’t Thursday be the new Friday?

Why didn’t ‘Get up and Go’ arrive at the party on a Tuesday?
– Because he ‘Got up and Went’ somewhere else.

What do the French call a really bad Thursday?
– A Tra-jeudi!

Always think about positive thoughts so that you can move forward and be an inspiration to other people.

Why are Sundays stronger and more powerful than Tuesdays?
– Because Tuesday is just a weak-day.

I have enough money to set me for life…
– If I die next Thursday.

Why were my neighbors walking barefoot in their garden?
– Because they were celebrating open Toesday!

Why did the vegetable salad say to a fruit juice on a Tuesday morning?
– “They say it is our day, TossedDay!”

Nothing screws up your Friday like realizing it’s only Thursday.

Why can’t you change the decision of a seal saying ‘Tuesdays are the best’?
– Because it is a seal of approval.

I asked the farmers to attend a meeting on Thursday morning.
– None of them turnip.

A new day also means a new beginning. Forget about the past and have a fresh start.

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