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Thanksgiving Jokes 🦃 in 2025

Why did Johnny get such low grades after Thanksgiving?
-Because everything is marked down after the holidays.

Why did the pilgrims eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
-Because the moose wouldn’t fit in the oven!

Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey at Thanksgiving?
– Because they couldn’t fit the moose in the oven!

What role do green beans play in Thanksgiving dinner?
-The casse-role

And stop groaning about Thanksgiving 2020. This Thanksgiving may be different than in most years, but Jesus is still King! We all have blessings we can count! And we can always be thankful for Jesus and His great love!
-Praying you and you your family have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.

What is big, green and goes gobble, gobble?
-A Turkey-saurus Rex!

I tried to post a Thanksgiving joke about turkeys…
-But it was removed because of fowl language.

What do Hippies put on their Thanksgiving potatoes?

Where did they take the Mayflower when it was sick?
-The nearest doc

What’s the smallest unit of measurement in the pilgrim cookbook?

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