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Tax jokes 💸 in 2025

After I spoke with the tax auditor, I slept like a baby. I woke up every hour and cried.

Why don’t skunks have to pay taxes?
– They’ve only got one scent.

Organised Religion and Mafias have a lot in common…
– Both have their respective clubhouses and neither pay taxes

Why do accountants like dirty jokes?
– Because their sense of humor is accrued.

Why don’t skunks have to pay taxes?
– Because they only have one scent.

The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has.

Ever wonder why it’s called a Form 1040?
– For every $50 you earn, you get $10 and they get $40.

What do you call someone without enough personality to be an accountant?
– An economist.

How does Santa Claus list elves on his tax returns?
– As “dependent Clauses.”

The IRS is a place that says, “Watch your step” going in, and “Watch your language” going out.

What do accountants suffer from that ordinary people don’t?
– Depreciation.

What do you call an accountant with an opinion?
– An auditor!

There are three types of accountants:
– Those who can coun’t and those who can’t.

Why did the goose have a big tax refund?
– Because his bill was tax de-duck-table.

Nothing has done more to stimulate the art of creative writing than the itemized deduction section of t income tax forms.

Why do accountants make good lovers?
– They’re great with figures!

Wanna know how to fund the Taliban?
– Pay your taxes.

Why do accountants have great abs?
– Because they’re good at number crunching.

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