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Tax jokes 💸 in 2025

How do accountants manage to stay out of debt?
– They learn to act their wage.

What do you call an accountant without a spreadsheet?
– Lost.

Which Avenger pays the least taxes?
– Spider-Man, because his income is all net.

Seen on the T-shirt of an IRS tax agent: We’ve got what it takes to take what you got.

They say that two things in life are unavoidable: death and taxes.
– At least death only happens once!

Where do you pay the dog tax?
– Internal Ruffenue Service.

Why was the accountant excited to complete a jigsaw puzzle in 59 weeks?
– Because the box said eight to 12 years.

What do pelicans and the IRS have in common?
– They both have huge bills.

At no time is it easier to keep your mouth shut than during an audit of your income tax return.

How can you donate money to Taliban?
– Just pay your taxes in United States

There are three types of tax forms:
– Short, long, and surrender.

Some taxpayers close their eyes, some stop their ears, some shut their mouths, but all pay through the nose.

How does a pirate report treasure on his taxes?
– On a schedule sea!

Why are accounting departments the most welcoming?
– Because they know everyone counts.

What sort of taxes do undertakers file?
– Pay as you urn.

The IRS has made a major announcement. All Cannabis dealers must file a joint tax return.

There are two steps to creating a successful accounting business:
– Don’t tell them everything that you know.
– [redacted]

People who cheat on their taxes disgust me
– This is not the kind of world I want to raise my 23 dependents in.

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