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Sushi jokes 🍣 in 2025

When the chef makes sushi, he does such a rice job.

Why do dinosaurs like sushi?
– Because they like their food ROAR!!!

What would you call a Greek philosopher who loves rice?
– Arisotto.

We were eating take-out sushi on the couch last night
And one of our kittens (7mo/f) starts nosing her away aggressively around our feet.

– 15/f daughter: ‘Oh kitty, what are you doing?’

– Me: ‘I think she’s fishing.’

We’ve lived many years as a family because we are soy happy together.

The sushi couple decided to buy a brand-new rolls-rice when they got their pension.

What did one sushi say to the other while going to the party?
– Let’s roll.

What do you say when a fish sells its own flesh to a sushi shop?
– It’s on a roll.

I shouldn’t have had that leftover sushi…
– I’m feeling a bit eel

With hesitance of speech,
– he said, “you are my soy mate.”

It’s twenty one years since my father choked to death while eating sushi…
– And its still pretty raw….

What did the sushi say to the rice ball?
– Let’s chopstick together.

A soulful sushi mat
– is a Rice & Tuna Turner

What kind of rides are there in a sushi restaurant?
– Sea-saws.

Sushi-loving cannibals fancy raw kin roll music.

Why did the female sushi cross the road?
– Sushi could go to the shop on the other side.

My sushi preparation class had a kleptomanniac as a substitute teacher
– She took roll

What did the sushi say when the fish cracked a joke?
– Dear cod, I laughed so hard!

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