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Supply Chain jokes in 2024

What’s a supply chain manager’s favorite movie? “Gone in 60 seconds” – they love quick deliveries!

Why don’t supply chain managers make good singers? They’re always worried about their timing!

Why don’t supply chain managers need coffee? Their job is already full of beans and brews!

What’s a supply chain manager’s favorite type of tree? A delivery pine!

How does a supply chain manager comfort a friend? “Don’t worry, we’ll streamline this together!”

Why was the supply chain manager bad at baseball? He kept worrying about supply and demand!

How does a supply chain manager celebrate their birthday? With a well-organized party!

How does a supply chain manager get ready for a date? By planning every detail!

How does a supply chain manager maintain his car? With careful inventory of all parts!

Why was the supply chain manager bad at golf? He kept trying to streamline his swing!

Why don’t supply chain managers make good comedians? Their jokes always arrive just in time, not a second sooner!

What does a supply chain manager drink at a bar? A logistics lager!

Why did the supply chain manager fail his driving test? He kept trying to streamline the route!

Why did the supply chain manager break up with his girlfriend? There were too many bottlenecks in their relationship!

Why don’t supply chain managers get surprised? They always anticipate the delivery!

Why was the supply chain manager good at basketball? He knows how to keep the flow moving!

Why was the supply chain manager good at puzzles? They know how to put things together efficiently!

Why did the supply chain manager go broke? Because he kept losing his stock!

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