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Superman Jokes 🦸‍♂️ in 2025

What’s the name of Superman’s home planet in opposite dimension?

What’s the difference between The Bloods and Superman?
-One gets killed by kryptonite, the other gets killed by Crips tonight.

What was the money called on Superman’s home planet?

They called this one inmate in prison Superman
-Yeah, you can say with all the time he was doing for burglary and larceny, that he was the “man of steal.”

What is it called when Batman and Superman challenge each other to a race?
-A Marthaon

I went to a Superman themed party.
-But I had to leave early because there was a massive queue for the cloakroom.

How did Superman fix the broken bridge?
-A lot of Super Glue

Did you hear of the Indigenous Superman?
-Before taking off, he could be heard saying, “Up, up, anyway…”

I invited Superman to a funeral this evening…
-But he said he was feeling weak so he didn’t want to go to the crypt tonight.

The flash, Batman, and Superman create a standup group. Can you guess what they’re called?
– The DC Comics

What kind of home does Superman live in?
-A Supermansion.

SUPERMAN: my nemesis is a billionaire who uses his riches to pursue his personal vendettas instead of helping people on a global scale.
-**BATMAN:** *[shifts uncomfortably in his chair]*

Why does Superman only daytrade bitcoin?
-Because he can’t go near crypto@night

What does Superman like even more than New Year’s Eves?

Who is faster? Superman or the flash?
-Umm. The cameraman?…

Superman can to do a lot of impressive things but…
-Clark can’t.

What happens to Superman after he eats a tic-tac?
-He has super breath.

Why can’t Superman beat Dracula?
-Because he can’t go to the Krypt Tonight.

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