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Superman Jokes 🦸‍♂️ in 2025

Why can’t Superman attend the Daily Planet meeting?
-Because Clark Can’t.

Superman got a divorce…
-He can only see his kids with super vision now.

Where does Superman buy his food?
-In a supermarket.

What is Superman’s favorite sporting event?
– The Super Bowl

My friend asked me if I wanted to hear a really good Batman impression, so I said go on then. He shouted, “NOT THE KRYPTONITE!” and I said, “That’s Superman…”
-“Thanks, man, ” he replied, “I’ve been practising it a lot.”

Why doesn’t Superman need a boss? (OC)
-He already has supervision.

Why does Superman has an S in his shirt
-Because the store he bought it from ran out of medium

What does Superman put in his drink?
-Just ice.

What do Superman and constantly watched employees have in common?

Why couldn’t Superman find the local playground as a kid?
-Adult supervision was required

What do you call Superman in a bank robbery?
– Man of Steal

Superman writes on the wall: Batman is a wuss.
-The next day, Batman writes on the wall: Superman is Clark Kent.

I went to a Superman themed nightclub.
-Everyone looked really fly…
but there was a massive queue for the cloakroom.

What’s the one currency superman can’t hold?
– Kryptocurrency.

Why does Superman carry around a power converter when he’s in the United States?
-Because he’s from the DC Universe.

If Batman and Superman had a baby, what would it be?

Chuck Norris and Superman had a bet.
-The loser had to wear their underwear on their pants.

-Superman walks into a room with a pancake on his head…
Not all heroes wear crepes.

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